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Volunteer with Women Education and economic center in mosohi, kilimanjaro in our various ongoing projects aiming at empowering women whichi´are educational projects, microfinacing, health education, agriculture and early childhood education


Ongoing Projects

We at WEECE have many different projects at the same time. Apart from our constantly running projcts like the Zawadi Institute or the VICOBAs, we also have specific projects which we are actively supporting. 

Rice Peeling Project at Kiterini Village

Women from Kiterini Village, Kyomu Village and Soko Village have come together to form one VICOBA group. Together, with the help of WEECE they have decided to reclaim some of the rice milling process by peeling the rice they produce, allowing them to sell at higher cost. They will also now store the rice, allowing them to sell later in the year once prices have risen. These two projects will allow the women of these villages to increase their profits. The first step towards completing this project is the construction of a small storage room and the purchase of a rice peeling machine.

The construction began when the project leaders came together to count and oversee the purchase of cement for the project. They will be responsible, as a community, for supervising the construction and overseeing its completion.


Stay tuned for more on the rice peeling machine house and storage room!

Women Farming Project

In recent years, because of climate change the weather in Tanzania and especially the Kilimanjaro region has changed drastically. This has reduced yields from farms in the region creating a shortage of food.

This recent change has made us at WEECE recognize the importance of providing food security to our VICOBA groups through methods that aren’t as vulnerable to the changing climate. In this effort WEECE has started to extend its micro-financing projects now allowing women to loan enough to rent 1/2 acres of land for agriculture.

Through these loans we put a special importance on good irrigation of the lands, which prevents the devastating effect of losing a year’s yield to a few weeks of drought.

Pig Keeping Project at Nganjoni Village

Up in the countryside of the Kilimanjaro region, you can find the village of Njanjoni, a small Chagga village where WEECE is currently working to empower the community. Using the VICOBA structure, the women of Njanjoni have come together in a community of over 30 members to pool together their assets and start 2 community projects.

Firstly, they will be restructuring the care of a pre-existing pig keeping project. Secondly, they will start a chicken farm for the Muslim members of the community. WEECE has helped structure and organize these projects through regular meetings and brainstorming.

 We also raised funds through donations to buy one male pig and one female pig for the village to expand their farm and allow the members of the VICOBA group to profit from breeding the pigs instead of just reselling them. This business model will be more sustainable and profitable for the community member.

Chicken Farming Project at Josho Village

    Josho is a Maasai village located in the Mtakuja Ward. It is the second Maasai village with which we have worked to create a VICOBA group. Due to the dryness of that area, the villagers have expressed difficulty in generating income. Due to the lack of agriculture, their main form of subsistence comes from goats and cows. Furthermore, up until recently, their only source of income was the production of bracelets, chains, and other accessories, which were unable to provide stable income to the community members.

    With WEECE’s support they decided to start a chicken keeping project. The aim is to firstly, buy 4-week-old chicks and turn a profit by selling the eggs and the chicken once they are fully grown. Secondly, buy two roosters to breed the chickens allowing this project to be sustainable as well as profitable. At WEECE, we have been able to successfully raise funds through donations to provide the villagers with the necessary support to start the project. It is now well underway, allowing the villagers to prosper through additional income and stability.

UPDATE: The chicken keeping project in Josho is becoming a reality. The foundation and the administration are done and the first chickens are going to be welcomed at the end of the week. In the future this project will help empower the women who are involved through education and a larger community fund in the VICOBA.

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